As a new owner of a manufacturered home these rules can be tricky. Thanks for making it easier to understand. Check it out if you are an owner or potential owner or just trying to figure this all out.

Ben & Jamie Anderson Realtors

Mobile/Manufactured/Modular/Stick Build

Choosing to build or purchase a home is likely the largest investment you will make. To help inform your decision-making, I ‘d like to present bullet point facts to define the different kinds of homes there are.

To begin, determine what will best meet your needs – a modular, mobile, or stick built home? When purchasing land for this endeavor you first must be aware that property deeds may state what may or may not be built on the property (like in the case of a qualified fee estate). My current home, for example, was required to be a stick-build only for the property. Be sure to read over the any deed restrictions carefully. You would not want to purchase property with the intent to place a modular home on it, only to find out there is a deed restriction preventing you from doing that. #RealEstate

Now let’s…

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The Purpose of this Blog

The reason Tampa Single Dad got started was because a psychic told me to do it. Haha, made you think a minute didn’t I? No really… a psychic inside myself J All kidding aside, in late 2012  I was in a pretty big quagmire with regards to my consulting business, school, and baby’s momma. Over the next 12 months all this continued to weigh heavily on me, not to mention my ex’s (son’s mom) and I cannot seem to come to any agreements as to visitation and support help. Needless to say and not feeling sorry for myself, I decided it was time to break up my consulting company and turn my online presence into something that means the world to me… MY SON, opinions, and your support! So, I learned that I could not rely on the whims and the emotions of others nor can I rely on child support. Therefore, I created an additional income stream to make up for these voids, which is why you are now reading this.

What you will gain from this blog and from Tampa Single Dad?

Tampa Single Dad specifically writes about life as a single dad, education, business/service reviews and dating as these are the basis for how he has thrived by himself as a single parent. On a secondary basis you will hear from many guest post bloggers, business executives, and others on parenting, product/service reviews, as well as having the chance to win something new happening Tampa or across the world.

Tampa Single Dad is set to launch a full service blogging partnership program which will help bloggers and social media addicts access their full potential as a brand and subject matter expert. These things will include tips on blogging, social media, writing, ebooks and publishing, and creating informational products. He will also be teaching classes about blogging and social media and he is available for paid speaking engagements and teaching. If you are interested in joining this program or hiring David for any of these services, please do not hesitate in contacting his.

You can contact me via email (Email me!) or via the contact page!